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Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy

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Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy Empty Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy

Message par GabryJ84 Mer 18 Oct - 14:08

Hi all.
my name is Gabriele and i come from Italy. This is not the section to introduce myself so I wont, maybe I should do somewhere else.

I love discharge lamps and my town and I had an agreement to save from LEDization some pieces/per model of our old lighting equipment.

There is however one type of lantern that they could not supply to me, since it had been scrapped before the agreement was done
The lamp is the following
Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy 110
Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy 210

and can be seen here

Via Riccardo di Giusto, Udine, Italy

I did not found this type in the archive on your site. I believe it to be some italian type, but I could not find the producer nor other towns in Italy using the same type of lantern.

Doing some research on your and other sites, I believe I can exclude Zerbetto Illuminazione, since their products feature some holes to better ventilate the indu ctor (4 holes on some of my models) and Fidenza Vetraria for the same reason ( 3 holes), but I don't know if that is a distinctive feature of these producers (they might have produced also lanterns without holes).

So this is to ask if someone can help me determine the type of the lantern or even just point out some other towns that mount the same type of it.


Messages : 32
Points cummulés : 74
Réputation : 0
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2017
Age : 40
Localisation : Italy

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Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy Empty Re: Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy

Message par GabryJ84 Lun 11 Déc - 0:41

Hi everybody,
this is just to tell that the model of the aforementioned lantern has been found: ZERBETTO UD1

I've jet to confirm on a catalogue basis, but I've contacted the Zerbetto Company and we'll evaluate together.


NO (below)

Dernière édition par GabryJ84 le Ven 30 Juil - 1:11, édité 1 fois

Messages : 32
Points cummulés : 74
Réputation : 0
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2017
Age : 40
Localisation : Italy

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Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy Empty Re: Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy

Message par Phozagora Sam 16 Déc - 11:15

Hello Gabry,

Welcome in our forum ! We have a member (Stradaluce) who lives around Nice and who uses to go in Italy. Most of italian lanterns photos come from him.

I have never seen this lantern by myself, even during my italian trips Wink It should be a rare lantern. However, by looking it, I am pretty sure that it is an Italian lantern.

I know a spannish lantern which looks like this one (ILUCA Bagur).

Messages : 1086
Points cummulés : 1198
Réputation : 33
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2014
Age : 41
Localisation : IDF

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Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy Empty Re: Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy

Message par GabryJ84 Ven 30 Juil - 1:17

I have been finally been able to get my hands onto some pieces of this model...and the surprise is a lot.


As for the FORIO lantern, the model name (the words in the picture are GRECO LICENZA WESTINGHOUSE meaning the model was licensed by westinghouse) should be MO8 as per here The same considerations posted for the FORIO lantern are open also for this one.

Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy 20210710
Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy 20210711

Messages : 32
Points cummulés : 74
Réputation : 0
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2017
Age : 40
Localisation : Italy

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Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy Empty Re: Unknown High Mercury Pressure Lantern used in Italy

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